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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: September 12th, 2023

Treply is a leading messaging platform dedicated to offering businesses the tools essential for seamless communication with their stakeholders. Recognizing the trust you place in us when utilizing Treply’s platform, safeguarding your data, including the personal information of you and your stakeholders, remains paramount. This document elucidates how we handle personal information in line with your engagement with our products and services, including our website. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding your personal data and that of those you communicate with.

Should you have further inquiries or concerns about our data processing practices after perusing this and our product-specific documentation, please reach out to our Privacy Team

Table Of Contents

Introduction to Treply’s Data Handling

How Treply Processes Your Personal Information

Personal Information Treply Collects

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Website Visits, Event Sign-ups, Information Requests

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Interactions with Sales or Support Teams

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Account Creation and Usage

Data Security and Retention

Making Choices About Your Customer Account Data

Automated Decision Making

Addressing Disputes Over Data Protection Practices

Updates to Our Privacy Notice

Introduction to Treply's Data Handling

When you engage with Treply’s products and services, we process your personal information as a Treply customer, referred to as Customer Account Data, and the personal information of your end users interacting with your Treply account,encompassing both Customer Usage Data (e.g., communication metadata) and Customer Content (e.g., content of communications).

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Website Visits, Event Sign-ups, Information Requests

Upon visiting our website, signing up for a Treply event, or seeking more information, we automatically gather data using tracking technologies. This data aids us in understanding our audience and enhancing user experience.

How Treply Processes Your Personal Information

Data protection regulations, especially in regions like the European Economic Area (EEA), distinguish between “controllers” and “processors” of personal data. A controller determines the purpose and means of processing personal data, while a processor handles personal data based on the controller’s directives. When Treply processes your Customer Account Data, we act as a controller. Primarily, we utilize Customer Account Data to:

Understand our customers and their interests in Treply’s offerings.

Manage our relationship with you.

Execute core business operations such as accounting and regulatory compliance.

Detect and mitigate security incidents or misuse of our platform.

Personal Information Treply Collects

We collect and process your personal data in various ways:

When you visit Treply’s website, sign up for events, or request information.

During interactions with our Sales or Support Teams.

As you register and utilize Treply’s services.

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Interactions with Sales or Support Teams

Personal data shared during interactions with our teams is recorded for future reference. This helps us provide better support and understand your needs.

Customer Account Data Treply Processes: Account Creation and Usage

Account registration necessitates certain details for communication and billing purposes. We also automatically gather some data, like IP addresses, to understand service usage and ensure platform security.

Data Security and Retention

Treply employs robust security measures to protect your personal data. We retain your Customer Account Data as long as required to offer our services, fulfill business operations, and adhere to legal mandates.

Making Choices About Your Customer Account Data

You can access, correct, or delete your Customer Account Data via the Treply account portal. For other data-related requests, please

Automated Decision Making

Treply may employ automated decision-making to identify and suspend accounts exhibiting spammy or fraudulent behavior. Affected account holders will be notified and can request a human review of the decision.

Addressing Disputes Over Data Protection Practices

We strive to amicably resolve any data protection-related disputes. Concerns can be directed to our Privacy Team at or our main address. EEA residents have additional rights to lodge complaints with a competent data protection authority.

Updates to Our Privacy Notice

We may periodically update our Privacy Notice. Changes will be communicated via our website, account portal, or the email address associated with your account. We will always adhere to applicable laws and seek your consent for significant changes.